The Power of Strong Spinal Curves!
Spinal curves mobilize, stabilize, support, and protect our body and its organs. Our spine endures the physical and emotional strain. In return, we must thrive to keep it in a healthy state so we can keep enjoying these privileges.
Our spinal curves determine the posture of our whole body in any position. The cervical spine supports the heavy head carrying 4 distinct senses within and allows a great degree of movement as well as stabilization. Unfortunately, with unhealthy lifestyle changes such as excessive use of mobile phones, computers, or simply any work-related activity that causes the neck muscles to spasm, the cervical lordosis starts to reverse leading to straightening of the spine(1). When that happens, the head moves forward instead of resting right above the torso. It is called the forward head posture, and it disturbs the center of gravity of the body. Research shows that it can lead to a postural imbalance in individuals (2). Neck muscle spasms may also lead to cervicogenic headaches. Furthermore, it exaggerates the thoracic kyphosis and affects shoulder blade positioning.
Regular stretching exercises must be performed using the foam roller to avoid the development of such ailments and to treat them as well. The recovery is slow but steady if the exercise regime is followed with full compliance.
Moving on, optimal loading of the soft tissues and bony structures enhances the growth and healing of these structures. Therefore, with a sedentary lifestyle and inactivity, the structures deteriorate at a higher rate than they grow and heal. This causes muscle weakness, creates an imbalance, and increases the risk of osteoporosis and deformities. Inactivity and poor posture cause muscle imbalance. In the lumbar area, the back muscles are more prone to tightness and spasm while the abdominals are more to lengthening due to weakness. Besides inactivity, muscle spasms in the lower back may also be caused by inappropriate loading techniques, overuse, or injury to the lower back. Spasms may also arise from psychological reasons such as anxiety and stress because we subconsciously tense our muscles when stressed. Psychological distress also adds to inactivity through loss of motivation, indirectly leading to muscular spasms and pain.
Muscular spasm in the lower back reduces the lumbar lordosis leading to straightening of the lumbar spine while the reduced tone in the abdominals leads to the development of a rotund as the pelvis also goes into posterior tilt as the lumbar curve is lost. Loss of the lumbar significantly increases the risk of pelvic organ prolapse.(3) The Center of gravity is also affected since it is in close proximation with the lumbar spine. Loss of curve makes your spine and associated structures more prone to injury since the properties of the normal curve including shock absorption, flexibility, and load distribution are lost, the vertebrae and vertebral discs will be under pressure more than ever. It also increases the risk of radiculopathies due to the compression of nerve roots.
All this information highlights the significance of maintaining a healthy spine through good mobility and proper stretching and strengthening exercises performed regularly. Use Solex only tens a day, to enhance your exercise regime and maintain a healthy spine.
Gay REJJom, therapeutics p. The curve of the cervical spine: variations and significance. 1993;16(9):591-4.
Kang J-H, Park R-Y, Lee S-J, Kim J-Y, Yoon S-R, Jung K-IJAorm. The effect of the forward head posture on postural balance in long time computer based worker. 2012;36(1):98.